Friday, August 14, 2015

Blog 8

A classmate recently posted about the expiration of the Medicaid Waiver 1115. Located here on Tuesday, August 11, 2015. Although valid points have been emphasized about the consequences of denial of funding. I believe we cannot rely on the government for funding and the state needs to find alternative measures to help its citizens. Tzorin made a very good point about these programs are setup to help patients and families to cope with traumatic event and surgeries. Denying medical assistance for anyone should never happen, but in the real world it happens. Situations like those require a plan which is why I support Tzorin's statement. The state of Texas needs to have available options or course of actions if the federal medicaid funding is not approved.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Getting Around

     High city cost plans is a tough task to present and approve. In the article, Dazzled by promise of rail, Austin leaders still need to persuade public. City of Austin is attempting to put together a plan to build a light rail system. By building a light rail this will help individuals travel tough the city in an inexpensive way. The initial cost to build and proceed with the plans will be a heavy load; the taxpayers would be estimated to be paying billions over 20 years.

     By the expansion of Metrorail the idea has positive ceiling, but seems ineffective. According the “ A year ago, while losing millions of dollars on its weekly commuter runs, MetroRail added weekend services. Fares taken in on he weekends cover, about 8percents of the 1.85 million spent running the trains. This plan could be productive if it was a solution for people generally to the east and south side of Austin where people need cheaper transportation options. Another option to help the traffic that occurs along I35 is build a rail system that travels between the cities of Georgetown, Round Rock, Plugerville, Round Rock, or even San Marcos. By cooperating with these cities private investors might become inspired to help fund for this project. Although this is a very costly project it has its benefits proven in cities like Dallas, Denver, Portland, and Salt Lake City.  No taxpayer is going to want to contribute to such a large project, without having the government contribution.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Show me your ID

     As the presidential election is nearing, candidates try to attract any possible available voters. Eligibility to vote in the United States is established both in the US Constitution and its amendments, and by state law. Just recently, Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals says Texas voter ID law violates Voting Rights Act. This issue has been fought through history because The United States Constitution did not originally define who was eligible to vote, allowing each state to determine who was eligible.
     This article is worth reading because it gives insight on what the courts are thinking about voter's ID and how it is being interpreted.  Democrat and Republicans on opposing ends will not find mutual ground, but the courts will be determining the future of voters in Texas. Although a voters ID law is generalized as discriminatory by Democrats, being updated on what is occurring in the courts mind will help inform individuals identify and understand rights that might be violated. Republicans make a valid case that this is no more than an attempt to protect the voting process in Texas. Although this issue is far from over, everyone in the voting process is affected. Resulting in a major stepping-stone for Texas in identifying the future voters.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Blog Six: The Chosen One

Mean Rachel aka Rachel Farris, wrote an article called, An Endorsement: On Problem Solving and Criminal Justice, this article was constructed in hopes to help Charlie Baird for the Travis County District Attorney's race. This editorial was constructed very well by a colleague. The original article An Endorsement: On Problem Solving and Criminal JusticePresents a very emotional and tough subject, about hopes for support for Charlie Baird District Attorney. As my colleague presented a very well summary with the limited information provided. Targeting the audiences emotional side was a good start, but as stated in the criticism no evidence was provided for support on how Charlie Baird would fix the problem. I was hoping the criticism presented more background and information about Charlie Baird in hopes for explaining the intentions and actions that could be plausible. Overall the review was did a very good job with the limited information, but lacked a little background information.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Blog 5: Regulating Smoke

     When you think of Texas, barbecue flashes in your head more often than not. As one of Texas icons, barbecue is a major attraction for all food lovers across the world. Recently, some Austin residents have filed complaints regarding the invasion of smoke lingering in their house produced by these barbecue joints. The original article was reported on KXAN on April 2, 2015, but just recently Austin City Council members form to plan possible solutions on Thursday, July 30, 2015. The article can be located here:
     Granting myself a title of food connoisseur, there is nothing more that I love than just large plate of slow cooked barbecue meat. Some residents living near these barbecue joints are having issues, "I can no longer open windows, the smoke seeps in from the attic" stated by resident Bruce Hughes. Smoke inviting itself to just about everywhere it can, it's a tough task to keep the area well ventilated, limiting the residents options for a solution.
     The solution is in progress and follows the guidelines of regulating amount of smoke expelled by these barbecue joints within 100 feet of residential areas. This is a tough task because residential areas are located nearly everywhere across the City of Austin. If the city creates a tough restriction, which in turn it punishes these food joints for "excessive" smoke, this could deter the icon of Austin as food central. It will take both sides to find a mutual agreement so that the great state of Texas can continue to grace everyone with its mouth-watering barbecue.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Declined Rights

     July 20, 2015, Genevieve Cato wrote an article by the name of "Texas is Illegally denying Birth Certificates to Citizens with Immigrant Parents." Located here,  This particularly caught my eye because I am an immigrant myself and this being such a trending topic for the upcoming presidential election.
     Throughout the story Cato presents well balanced presentation excluding the misleading title. Texas Department of State Health Services in Cameron and Hidalgo County rejected mothers without American documentation from accessing their child's birth certificate. The employees request for an item called "matricula consular, a Mexican-issued ID, or a foreign passport without a current visa would no longer be accepted". Which arises to the real issue why should American Citizens be denied constitutional rights, presented in the 14th Amendment, "Granting citizenship to all children born in the United Sates, regardless of whether their parents are citizens". Cato illustrates a flow in which the reader can mostly agree with her [Cato]. For example, Cato begins with birth rights and throughout the story, reinforces her thought with quotes from Miguel Solis, the Executive Director of the Latino Center for Leadership Development and State Representative Ana Hernandez. Cato's argument is presented very soundly and seems logical, "It doesn't matter who your parents are.... Simply being born in the United States, you are an American citizen".
     In Conclusion,  Cato presents a logical argument, why should American born citizens be denied their right. In further detail, Cato does not force any judgment upon your thoughts, but rather presents to you with concrete evidence such as the constitution and quotes from to major figures, questioning the actions of the Texas Department of State Health Services

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Blog 3 - Protect Our Ground

     Tragic situations can stir the pot of emotion and cause people to extreme reactions. Recently, we have been witnessing awful actions and stories in which people blame gun control. In further detail, at the shooting of Chattanooga, Tennessee,  a writer by the name of TexasFred wrote an article about "Weapons in the hands of U.S. Military members on U.S. soil". Located here:
     TexasFred makes points in concerns about why our military bases and recruiting centers lack the security after being recognized as a "soft target". What I had to disagree with was his response and blame to all Muslims. Grant it yes, a majority of these attacks are claiming to be Muslim, but these extremist should not taint the name of the majority of the followers, because they are "extremist," hiding behind the actions to stir emotions in hopes to achieve chaos.
     Understanding that TexasFred is targeting the Republican viewers, his words hold some credibility because nothing TexasFred is claiming is outlandish. In the article, he hopes of teaching readers in the reasoning why Military members should be allowed to be armed on bases or recruiting stations. TexasFred reached a lot of agreement on the feedback/comments area, mainly reached from Veterans.