Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Blog 3 - Protect Our Ground

     Tragic situations can stir the pot of emotion and cause people to extreme reactions. Recently, we have been witnessing awful actions and stories in which people blame gun control. In further detail, at the shooting of Chattanooga, Tennessee,  a writer by the name of TexasFred wrote an article about "Weapons in the hands of U.S. Military members on U.S. soil". Located here: http://www.texasfred.net/archives/27132#more-27132.
     TexasFred makes points in concerns about why our military bases and recruiting centers lack the security after being recognized as a "soft target". What I had to disagree with was his response and blame to all Muslims. Grant it yes, a majority of these attacks are claiming to be Muslim, but these extremist should not taint the name of the majority of the followers, because they are "extremist," hiding behind the actions to stir emotions in hopes to achieve chaos.
     Understanding that TexasFred is targeting the Republican viewers, his words hold some credibility because nothing TexasFred is claiming is outlandish. In the article, he hopes of teaching readers in the reasoning why Military members should be allowed to be armed on bases or recruiting stations. TexasFred reached a lot of agreement on the feedback/comments area, mainly reached from Veterans.

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