Friday, July 24, 2015

Declined Rights

     July 20, 2015, Genevieve Cato wrote an article by the name of "Texas is Illegally denying Birth Certificates to Citizens with Immigrant Parents." Located here,  This particularly caught my eye because I am an immigrant myself and this being such a trending topic for the upcoming presidential election.
     Throughout the story Cato presents well balanced presentation excluding the misleading title. Texas Department of State Health Services in Cameron and Hidalgo County rejected mothers without American documentation from accessing their child's birth certificate. The employees request for an item called "matricula consular, a Mexican-issued ID, or a foreign passport without a current visa would no longer be accepted". Which arises to the real issue why should American Citizens be denied constitutional rights, presented in the 14th Amendment, "Granting citizenship to all children born in the United Sates, regardless of whether their parents are citizens". Cato illustrates a flow in which the reader can mostly agree with her [Cato]. For example, Cato begins with birth rights and throughout the story, reinforces her thought with quotes from Miguel Solis, the Executive Director of the Latino Center for Leadership Development and State Representative Ana Hernandez. Cato's argument is presented very soundly and seems logical, "It doesn't matter who your parents are.... Simply being born in the United States, you are an American citizen".
     In Conclusion,  Cato presents a logical argument, why should American born citizens be denied their right. In further detail, Cato does not force any judgment upon your thoughts, but rather presents to you with concrete evidence such as the constitution and quotes from to major figures, questioning the actions of the Texas Department of State Health Services

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